We received the latest update from Team Fuel on the road at 13:30 CET:
Team Fuel where delayed in Athens after picking up a very late sponsor for the Rally – the new Juiced 2 / Hot Import Nights game have decided to sponsor the Team, who had to apply new graphics all over the car on the roadside. The car is now blasting through Athens at top speeds overtaking other Gumballers every three seconds.
The Fuel Girls smashed the White party last night in Athens with an impromptu fire breathing show and some massive indoor fireworks! If you haven’t heard of the Fuel Girls you are really missing out – they perform all over the world with their raunchy stage show and the Gumballers witnessed some of the action into the early hours!
There was a big Jap car meet scheduled in the UK on Saturday which has just been re-routed to Dover instead, with a thread going up all over the UK forums for a massive convoy of racers to meet Team Fuel at Dover to escort them back to London, where the rest of the Fuel Girls will be waiting to wave them in!
Check out their first Gumball 2007 video!