A white Porsche crashed in Macedonia, near the city of Struga close to the Albanian border.
Update: Locals got injured in the crash, we hope they are ok.
Update 2: Driver of the Volkswagen Golf died on the way to the hospital, his wife is at the intensive care in critical condition, with broken ribs and fluid in her lungs. 24 hours after the incident still no statement from Gumball 3000.
Sorry to hear about the accident for both the family concerned and the two drivers, i wish them all well.
It would be such a shame if this fun and entertainment had to be cancelled for ever.
Many thanks to Max, Danny, J.k, Xhibit, Caprice and Tim for siging my jeans. Just to let you know i have been offered £1000.00 for them actually at the race, and i said NO. Thanks again
gumballers try to escape,but they were arrested on the boarder