Video Youngster Drives 308km/h in Urban Areas in Nissan R35 GT-R

Driving over 300km/h on a public highway is “only allowed” in Germany and on the Isle of Man. Eventhough there are some additional consequences to it, people often think they can drive fast on any road and in any situation.

The following clip is currently the talk of the town in the Netherlands. It shows a youngster – with a wealthy dad – driving his personal Nissan R35 GT-R within urban areas where normal people life and drive a maximum speed of about 50km/h. The guy named Pieter Kiveron – his face and the car’s nummer plate are visible in the extended version of the video – speeds up to almost 150km/h. Three times the allowed limit!

The clip continues while he takes his tuned R35 GT-R (540hp) up to a speed of 308km/h on a road where a maximum of 100km/h is allowed. The enormous speed difference is easily visible with respect to the other vehicles he overtakes.

The videos has been posted on numerous blogs in Holland. Local police has responded to the released footage and will investigate the facts. In the end the driver will be quite lucky, because nobody in the Netherlands has ever been charged with speeding after uploading a YouTube video which showed the offense.

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  1. It`s like killing someone and saying: “It`s only on video.” I hope this will be a case for the constitutional court.

  2. The guy is driving the car of his fitness coach. So it isn’t his car or the car of his (wealthy) dad.
    The boy is 19 years old and living in Haarlem (near Amsterdam)
    OH and most of all… his is soooo dumb!!
    Putting your name in a high speed video….. FAIL!!!!

  3. We had a similar case in Bulgaria. The boy was 17 years old, he wasn’t old enough for driving license. He drove his own Mercedes S Class with over 230km/h on public road. The police couldn’t fine him for speeding ’cause the only way to write a speeding ticket is to catch him wit official police speed radar. But they punished his ass for driving without license. In this case I don’t think they can do anything to him. Any good lawyer can save him in court.

  4. Nothing dangerous situations on this video so for me it’s ok. The driver is very young but maybe he have got better experience than for exaple people who have 25 or 30 years.

  5. Total IDIOT. I love cars and particularly the latest Skyline, but driving at those speeds in urban areas (first part of the video) where there are lots of people and especially cyclists is just insane. I hope they throw the book at him.

    I actually live in Haarlem (am not Dutch though) and if I was the owner of that car I would be seriously worried about public retribution…..


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