It was a busy weekend full of events for the GTspirit crew. After the Spring Event at Weeze Airport, GTspirit headed to the Nurburgring for the Streetgasm2000 Pre-Party. The Pre-Party was organised for enthusiast fans and participants of the Streetgasm2000 Challenge in June.
Because of the Spring Event we arrived a few hours after the official start of the meeting. When we arrived the parking of the Lindner Hotel Eifeldorf was already full of Streetgasm cars. Many of the cars were already provided with a wrap for the challenge in June. Most of the participants are from Holland, Belgium and Germany. We saw cars which participated in 2013 but also a lot of new cars! From tuned Nissan Skylines to R8 GTs, there is a lot of variety of cars.
Around 19:30 it was time for the briefing. Maurice Hartsuiker, founder of Streetgasm welcomes everyone and promises an epic party in the Eifeldorf Grüne Holle Club. He also informed the participants about several Streetgasm2000 Challenge subjects such as the crew, sponsors and some cool goodies. And last but not least he announced a new platform(which will be released today at and an official Streetgasm2000 app exclusive for the participants. The app contains a timeline with updates of the teams for during the challenge and many more cool features. Streetgasm2000 2014 is on a way higher level than 2013!
After the briefing the participants enjoyed the champagne and the casino for charity! After 22:00 the club opened for the public and it was time for the big party. fire shows, sexy dance acts, great DJ sets and beautiful SG2K ladies were all part of the night.
We would like to thank Streetgasm for their hospitality and we wish them an amazing time with the Streetgasm2000 Challenge. More information about this in our earlier article and on