Thanks to Team Mosler!
DAY 1 – BULLRUN UPDATE: CAR #06 – Hollywood Poker / TEAM MOSLER
New York City / Pocono Raceway / Toronto, Canada
Team Mosler, starting 2nd on the Bullrun grid, was poised to make their presence felt. Lining up next to racing legend Mario Andretti was a dream come true for driver Troy Hanson. “It’s an amazing sight, to see 110 exotic cars, lined up in the middle of the best city in the world. This is just the beginning of a 7 day, 3000 mile adventure.” The green flagged dropped at 10:00 EST and the cars were off. Hanson followed Andretti out of the city, as they headed towards Pocono Raceway. “I stayed on his bumper for the first 40 minutes. Andretti is from Pocono, so who better to know the route.” But luck wasn’t on Team Mosler’s side, as they ran out of gas shortly into the rally. “The fuel gauge had not been configured,