Yesterday was the first day for the Mille Miglia 2014 participants. Traditionally the event gets under way at around 6pm, mandated by the mayor of Brescia so that the towns inhabitants can enjoy spectating after a day at work. For the drivers, the first day is often the most gruelling, travelling through the evening to reach the first stop, Padova.
Our day started with a morning walk through the Mille Miglia Paddock to witness the final technical checks. This is a process all Mille Miglia cars and tribute cars must go through. Interestingly, we also spotted two LaFerrari’s and one Ferrari Enzo, part of the modern tribute to the event.
Piazza Vittoria was packed with spectating public. Mercedes-Benz as main sponsor had a separate part full of historic Mercedes-Benz models which, understandably, was drawing a lot of attention. As a break from the crowds, Mercedes-Benz organised a lunch for us in the nearby Hotel Vittoria.
Early afternoon was taken up by the SLR Club and their fantastic display. The cars were parked at the Mercedes-Benz Dealership next door to the Mille Miglia Museum. The next destination was of course the Mille Miglia Museum next door before we headed back towards the start line in Brescia.
The first cars left Brescia at around 6pm from the Viale Venezia. We have never seen so many people gathered together in such a small area. We watched a number of the cars leave via the iconic Mille Miglia stand, but it was the finish line we really wanted to see. Soon we were back on the road, a quick shortcut allowed us to get to Padova quicker than many of the participants.
The Mille Miglia tribute cars had already left at 5pm so it was no surprise when we saw the first cars roll into Padova at 10pm. For the rest, it was a late night with cars arriving between 11pm and 3am.
The Mille Miglia 2014 is well and truly underway. We will be following the cars as they leave Padova this morning. Stay tuned for more photo galleries during the week!