Illtech tuning has its roots in the Asian tuning markets, but grew into bigger and more prestigious brands. They are working currently on the new Nissan GT-R, BMW M Cars and the Porsche 996. Cody Johnson of Illtech Auto Salon gives Driving Sports TV an early look at his shop’s Nissan R35 GT-R project car. Currently, the car puts down 600hp and 600ft-lbs of torque after their first tuning efforts, but more will follow.
“The exclusivity that you get out of the GT-R (…) is much stronger than that of Lamborghini or Ferrari…”
Sure, try your nissan in Monaco, StMoritz or Punta del Este.
Well exclusivity is a two way path.. you’re gonna see many more lambos and Ferraris on the street than a GTR.. to top that off, this GTR will murder 80% of Ferraris and Lambos if they’re stock.
Iffy wheel choice, me thinks it could be better, but the car certainly has presence
That car sounds mean, looks good and is definately great to own… but more exclusive than a Lambo… no :p