For Sale Ferrari Enzo Replica With BMW V12

The idea of a replica is always going to appeal to certain people. The Ferrari Enzo is one of the Italian brands most popular so naturally, people want their own example. This is one of the better Ferrari Enzo replicas we’ve seen. Its for sale in Germany at the moment complete with uneven panel gaps and odd targa style roof!

Our friends at Carscoop inform us that this replica features glass and carbon fiber composite body panels. It measures 4,700mm long, 2,030mm wide, and 1,140mm tall with a 2,650mm wheelbase, 2mm shorter, 5mm wider and 7mm taller than the real thing. Suspension is a Koni system, although we aren’t informed where the donor chassis came from.

The engine is a BMW 5.0 liter V12 unit producing 400hp through a six-speed manual gearbox. Apparently it also has a genuine Ferrari F50 exhaust system! Brakes are 8-piston calipers up front and six-piston calipers at the rear.

The interior isn’t as bad as you would normally expect from a replica. There is a resemblance to other Ferrari models with plenty of carbon fiber and a set of quilted racing seats. It seems that the owner has named it the BFE-AE 750.

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  1. it looks like its been in an accident and not been but back together correctly. I think it could be with me conducting a car detailing service on it. paint work not to great either


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