The Porsche pressconference at the IAA 2007 just finished and to little suprise also Porsche caught the environmental virus. According to a Porsche spokes person a visit of environmental activists Greenpeace made Porsche decide to develop cleaner engines. 2 years after Greenpeace visited Porsche they reveal a hybrid version of the Porsche Cayenne. This clean hybrid engine is also said to make it’s appearance in the Porsche coupe: the Panamera.
Of course we were waiting for the new Porsche GT2. Little was said about the new GT2 during the pressconference but Porsche another Porsche spokesperson confirmed the following to us:
Topspeed: 329 km/h
Power: 530 bhp
Price: 189.500 euro (in Germany)
More photos of the Porsches at the IAA 2007 can be found in our Porsche Gallery!