Thursday, 4 May 2006
14:54:15 / 2:54:15 p.m. (G.M.T.)

It is now confirmed that the purple Lamborghini involved in the accident in Thailand was of the “Flash

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  1. Team Polizei are brave and noble contenders and deserve to be in the lead by default, no matter what.

    I hope they prove to everyone that they are at the top of their game in the US leg.

    Team Polzei rock!


  2. Pony merchant. How dare you, you cotton headed ninny muggins.

    I saw him at the begining of the rally and he seemed like a cool funny person

  3. Sorry, but really already many people are hating to read that continuous bullshit from Team Polizei about how cool and fast they are!!! Gumball is not aboout who comes first and for how many times! Guys, cool down and enjoy the race like others do. You are not coolest out there anymore by miles!

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