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Bam’s Lamborghini with Gumball stickers

Here's the first picture of one of the cars with Gumball stickers on. Stay tuned for more pictures and stories from London! ...

Ant and Pete are go!

Ant and Pete are now on route. They are currently in convey with Tango 996 Porsche, Nods and Dean F50 and their d3, d2,...

Official Team Torquenstein Press Release

It is 5:am, April 28th 2006 and the big race is only hours away. We have prepared the car, installed some new hardware, tested...

Tangospeed Gumball Party

We are having a pre Gumball Party in London on Friday 28th April @ The Cube and Star in Hoxton Square. Located about...

Team Tangospeed Support arrived

Team tangospeed support arrived in London today after 2500 km and stops in Stockholm and Amsterdam. HeCe and Omni picked up Des in Amsterdam...

Ant and Pete BMWs

The full BMW collection of Ant and Pete shown to the public! Expect to see them all at the start of the 2006 Gumball...

Gumball just around the corner

We just received this letter from the Gumball boss: Hey Gumballers, The clock is ticking.....are you ready! This is set to be the craziest adventure...

Collection of Gumball 3000 videos

Here's a list of 16 Gumball related videos released by Gumball HQ earlier! Happy watching! Right click, save as! 6 days in May trailer (13.5 MB) Gumball...

Graham Bolger

Rubbing shoulders with the motley crew of billionaires, sheikhs, jetsetters and other assorted nutters will be Dubliner Graham Bolger. This 31-year-old musician watched a TV...

Gumball 1999 video

With 6 days to go before the 8th annual Gumball 3000 we like to show you this report of the first Gumball ever. Back...

