Today is your last chance to vote for your favorite team of the Challenge 2006. With almost 900 votes it’s one of the most popular polls ever on GT spirit.
Current Top 10:
1. Miami Vice (Lambo): 16% (142)
2. Pussywagon (H2): 15% (136)
3. Leo de Vries (S4): 13% (114)
4. Ferrari Racing (F430): 8% (68)
5. Call TV (X5): 7% (62)
6. Spyker Squadron (C8): 7% (59)
7. Maybach 62: 5% (41)
8. Dakar (Q7): 4% (34)
9. Bert & Ernie (997 4S): 3% (30)
10. The Matrix (CL55): 3% (23)
Poll will be closed tonight!