We recently stumbled across the photos above and below which show a Lamborghini Aventador wrecked in China recently. The circumstances surrounding the accident aren’t known although it looks as though it was a particularly comprehensive accident.
The photos reveal a large hole in the drivers side window. We have been able to confirm that both driver and passenger made it out of the wreckage without serious injury. That fact is all the more surprising when you consider that every body panel has been damaged and at least one of the wheels has buckled.
The damage to the Lamborghini Aventador is most severe at the front which tends to suggest that the car hit something head-on. The rear wheel also looks to have sustained heavy damage with the rear right wheel completely buckled.
This particular Lamborghini Aventador joins the growing grave yard of cars which include the burnt Malaysian car which met its demise alongside two Gallardo’s, the New York car which split in half and the upside down Verde Scandal car in California.