“Now I feel better”. The famous words uttered from the owner of the BMW M6 dissatisfied owner that took his M6 coupe to the IAA Frankfurt Motor Show to put on a display of another kind.
Rattling, severe jolts during gear changes and a ride that would make a stomach churn resulted in the owner contacting his local dealership to complain about his purchase.
“I have written a letter BMW – no answer. Now I answer! With this action! And I will repeat, with a repaired car in Berlin, in front of the Bundestag, “says Pourmohseni, the owner of the battered and bruised M6 explained.
The 2007 M6 pushed out a respectable 500bhp from the epic F1 derived V10 that was famous for it howling sound. When unrestricted the car could push the 200mph mark.
This is not the first case of an angry owner resorting to sledge hammers and axes. In China 2010 an owner commissioned a public beating for his Gallardo in protest to Lamborghini not sorting his cars issues.
[Via Bild.de]
what an asshole !
Hey man, if you don't want it ill take it!
My thoughts exactly :) stupid old fucks..
very lame…
come on it is a 6 years old car…………..
So,Therefore we can conclude that AMGs r better
its an old nail.. Max Clifford all over it…. double lame…
Must be rough having nothing better to do than throw a temper tantrum in public.
Better off selling it