The world renowned short film by Jean Louis Mourney which captured some of the most raw and exhilarating rally footage in history has been remastered in high definition.

The remastered version of Climb Dance, which was commissioned by Peugeot in celebration of their upcoming contest of the Pikes Peak hill climb with rally ace Sébastien Loeb. The film, which documents the 1988 and 1989 Pikes Peak victories by rally legends Ari Vatanen and Robby Unser has been made available on YouTube. For those of you interested, the car used in the short film is none other than the Peugot 415 T16 Grand Raid, which took the rally world by storm in the late 80s, when it was driven to victory by the two aforementioned drivers.

Check out the video above (in HD!) and let us know what you think below.

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