Car Crash Karim Benzema Writes off Lamborghini Gallardo 480x280

Real Madrid soccer striker Karim Benzema has written off his personal Lamborghini Gallardo on the Reunion Island while celebrating his birthday. The accident happened while the French soccer player was driving to a party from the hotel where he was staying.

Local media suggest a race was taking place between the yellow Lamborghini and a Porsche. It is unclear which supercar Benzema was driving. The Lamborghini suffered major damage to its front right panel, right front tyre and rim.

It is not the first time he has been involved in a traffic accident. In November he smashed his Audi into a wall near his home in Madrid and walked away unscathed.

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  1. The guy in the video says that Benzema was in the Porsche. But from other sources it seems that he’s working for the car rental company (none is Benzema’s car) and has been asked to lie, because witnesses saw the soccer player and rapper “Rohff” in the Lambo when the left the discotheque (while reving the engine).

    One way or another he was not driving… see picture here:


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