In a surprise move, it appears as though Spyker is no longer bankrupt following a last minute infusion of cash from investors.
According to a statement released earlier today by Spyker, the company’s bankruptcy was declared null and void following a court appeal and a large infusion of cash. Spyker has now been given moratorium of payment status by the court. This new status will allow the company to continue operations and attempt to regain profitability.
Spyker CEO Victor Muller is optimistic about his company’s chances, citing that the company is hard at work on a production version of the B6 Venator concept. If all goes to plan, Muller expects that Spyker could drop its moratorium of payment status in as little as a few weeks.
Muller went on to mention that Spyker plans to merge operations with an American-based manufacturer of high performance electric aircraft at some point in the future. The name of the manufacturer in question, however, was not mentioned. The joint venture will pave the way for Spyker to produce electric vehicles in the future.
We will keep you posted as more news becomes available. For now, however, it appears as though Spyker might just live to fight another day.