Lamborghini Mumbai recently hosted the second installment of their annual supercar bonanza for its clientele, aptly called the ‘Brunch and Drive’. The annual event sees the best sprinkling of the raging bulls offered by Lamborghini, on a tour of the Mumbai city along with other supercars making it a spectacular display of the best that automotive engineering has to offer. Thanks to Automobili Ardent, who covered it, we can provide you with exclusive pictures of the event!
The usually quiet and lazy Sunday morning was transformed into a orchestra on wheels with the V10s , V12s and a few V8s creating a unmatched eargasmic symphony. As you can see in the gallery below, the varied versions of Gallardos, right from the LP 550-2 to the bonkers LP 570-4 SuperTrofeo Stradale or the rare limited editions like the LP 550-2 India Speciale and the LP 560-2 50th Anniversario Limited Edition made the event a joy to watch for all the petrolheads in the city.
Mr Gautam Madnani, head of Lamborghini Mumbai in a statement said “The Brunch and Drive event is a small token of appreciation to all the owners of Lamborghinis and other supercars who keep the automotive passion alive in the city by taking out time from their fast paced lives. It also helps get-together like minded people and friends discuss cars. The second edition of the event was a grand success and we hope to have bigger and better editions in the coming years.”