July in London. Summers in the air and the sweet scent of fresh cut Hyde Park grass in mixing with the unmistakeable fragrance of burning fuel. The Arabs are in town.
Pointy Aventadors in their usual bright colours, boxy Mercedes G Wagons, the rounded arches of the unmistakable Bugatti Veyron and the black Knightbridge Taxi’s that are the Rolls-Royces, are met by much more exciting bright colored models from the same famous marque. Hordes of photographer of all ages and sizes can been seen ducking and diving, gawping and gasping fueled by adrenaline and the desire to be the first to upload that all important shot or clip for the world to see and envy. The worlds press beam video footage of cars being impounded for debatable reasons and the splendorous spectacle of the most valuable and rare cars ever produced briefly meeting in one glorious city is appreciated by opposite sexes and varying ages. It impossible to miss them, bright enough to make your head hurt and loud enough to make your ears bleed, but the natural reaction is not to run or ignore, but search for your phone and try to capture the rear quarter or blur of color to share with friends and family.
Chrome colored convertibles, the most outrageous upgrades and offending exhausts, they can all been seen on the streets of Knightsbridge.
Welcome to the annual Arab bonanza and Knightsbrige is the stage. But be quick because it’s getting cold in London and the shows almost over!
This brilliant photos below were shot by Mitch Wilschut Photography.