The Afternoon Rush is an event that is put on by the Supercar Club of Indonesia. During the afternoon Rush, a group of over 60 exotic cars from a variety of different manufacturers gather together and run their cars on the highway around Jakarta. While on their Afternoon Rush, the group stopped at the Plasa Senayan, an upscale shopping mall in central Jakarta, and did some auctions to benefit charitable organizations. Included in these auctions were items like a signed John Terry uniform from the Chelsea Football Club, Wine, and more expensive items that brought the total sales to around $30,000.
Also during the event, the Supercar Club of Indonesia stops at the fairgrounds in Jakarta. At this stop, the participants in the Afternoon Rush are briefed on the course of the route and then back onto the highway around Jakarta. One of the last stops on the trip is to the Berbuka Puasa Bersama in support for the Muslim religion.