Chris Harris’ blast around Porsche’s test track in the Porsche 962C was pretty awesome, but nothing compared to what we’ve got to show you now! This Japanese man gets to drive his road registered Porsche 962C on the streets. In the video you’ll see him filling up at the local gas station, popping out to the shops and generally negotiating light traffic.
The driver definitely needs to invest in a pair of Porsche branded shoes though!
I’m guessing thats not a genuine ‘ race 962 but rather one of the very few Daur conversions for the street painted up in Rothman’s colors . Never the less . This guy is my kind of maniac ( the owner/driver ) as you’ve got to be a bit loose upstairs to even drive a Daur on public roads ;-)
( apologies if I’ve mis spelled Daur )
@GuitarSlinger : The vid stated that its an early version from Schuppan .. 2.65L TT engine .. The Dauer 962LM has a 3.2L TT engine and a slightly differant interior .. any how .. I enjoyed watching this. One of my favourite cars, I’de love to own such a car . Its a legend on the street and a special car in every way. nothing like the turbo ruch from the flat-6 in a racing cockpit. Kudos to this guy who admires a true and special Super car.
Driving a 962 on public roads deserves you the disabled parking lot.
In the rain and at night in this car, the guy is out of his mind.
very nice