This Matte Pink Lamborghini Murcielago was created by Al&Ed’s Autosound for the upcoming Italian Stampede 2012 rally. The Italian Stampede is a charity event with only Italian sports cars, which drive from Los Angeles to Concorso Italiano in Monterey, California.
The event is taking place this weekend and the wrapped supercar will be the lead car for the rally. The design features several logos from Chandon for the Cure and Pink Ribbon supporting breast cancer awareness. Lamborghini Club America supports the research and treatment of cancer via the Chandon for the Cure event and the Pink Ribbon organization.
Thanks to Robert from RR Designs for the pictures!
Pink lamborghini was created for the @serataitaliana benefiting #AvonFoundation with @Chandon @WeAreComatica @JoyLoo @OGlamborghini as sponsors.