About a week ago we reported about a brand new National Geographic Channel television series, called the Ultimate Factories. This Thursday, October 8th at 8 PM, the second episode airs showing us the assembling of a Rolls-Royce Phantom. The Phantom is the first Rolls-Royce to be introduced since the company was acquired by BMW in 1998.
Manufacturing the Phantom begins in Unterhallerau, Germany, where the space frame chassis is built. Each space frame and body shell assembly is then sent to BMWs factory in Dingolfing, Germany for corrosion-resistance treatment and primer paint. Next, each Phantom is shipped to a manufacturing facility constructed by BMW specifically to build the new generation of Rolls-Royce motorcars. It takes an average of 450 hours and hundreds of crafts people, artisans, designers, engineers, mechanics, painters, sewing machinists and others to hand-build each car.
Below you will find two short videos covering the new episode. For more information on the series visit www.natgeotv.com.