When the name Paul Jr. comes up, one will initially think of the Orange County Choppers, a custom motorcycle business he co-founded in upstate New York, but a few months back he took a different path and created a project based on a 2012 Chevrolet Camaro with the help of Trans American Muscle, an automotive design company based in Florida.
The conversion kit included a 2.9 liter Whipple supercharger fitted to the LS3 V8, SLP sub-frame connectors and exhaust featuring a X-Pipe. The interior is custom-built to match its exterior, which boasts custom sheet metal paneling, copper numbering, custom door sills, custom hot rod black paint in matte finish and copper Paul Jr. Designs emblems on it.
The Camaro rolls on 22 inch Ritorno Forgiato Wheels. Trans American Muscle will make 77 of these cars, which will feature an aerospace theme and aircraft-style. Domani Motor Cars will be the exclusive global dealer for these Camaros. The Camaro was presented at this year’s Daytona Bike Week.
Stick to Theme bikes Paul…..Common are you serious?
Haha..@deege its always good to expand and venture into new areas…lets see how he does :P
I think it’s just beautiful design … camaro design worthy of the creator ..