A member over at Luxury4Play recently posted a few before and after shots of a horrific Porsche GT2 RS accident. The story behind the photos remains unclear, however, it seems that the red GT2 RS in question had been delivered to a new owner four hours before the accident occurred. As you’ll see from the pictures, there isn’t much left of it.
Apparently the GT2 RS hit a semi-truck mid air at 160mph, even with the full Porsche roll cage, the entire car was crushed into an unrecognisable shape. From the pictures it appears that the engine also set on fire.
We have no word on the occupants, although we think it’s safe to assume they did not make it.
Wow that is tragic. Does anyone know more about this story? it says that the car hit a semi mid-air… how did it get airborne?
mid air? Is that a flying car?
Man. That is soo sad. :(
@Alex, click through to Luxury4Play via the embedded link for our source. At the moment nobody knows. Hopefully someone can shed some light.
where was this?
“it says that the car hit a semi mid-air… how did it get airborne?”
Well, it’s a GT2 RS…
I guess the GT2 was the last thing on his bucket list.
wrote more about this on my blog, sad
i knew of the previous owner
when you do 250km/hr and smash into the rear of another sedan traveling 100km/hr you will go airborne and possbly into oncoming lanes…just saying, not rocket science here
Fuck me!