Owners of early McLaren MP4-12C’s will receive a power upgrade courtesy of the factory. McLaren Driver revealed that yesterday, all early McLaren MP4-12C owners received a letter advising them that updates would be available in October 2012 and that dealerships will apply these updates free of charge, presumably to select early cars. It’s not clear how many owners will receive the updates, but its certainly a generous move from the Woking-supercar maker.
The upgrade is a relatively simple remapping of the MP4-12C’s engine management system. It should result in a 25hp upgrade taking power levels to a total 625hp! It will also improve responsiveness while not changing the emissions levels. Additional features will include remote passenger door opening, a programmable engine note and equalisation for the Meridian sound system.
McLaren will roll out the updates in October 2012 at the same time as the long-awaited IRIS updates. For those that don’t know what IRIS is, it is McLaren’s bespoke touch-screen navigation and entertainment control system. They have experienced issues with the software since launch. We’re told that they have now fixed these issues and the software is going through the final stages of testing before being rolled out to MP4-12C owners.
that’s really nice
25 or 30 HP is always welcome. Porsche charges 15K or so for an “S” vs a normally mapped engine, with about the same power upgrade. McLaren is like a breath of fresh air in many respects. The MP4 12C is a clean sheet design by engineers for engineers.
Function beats fashion every time.