During our visit of Top Marques Monaco 2010 we got the change to have a closer look at the Porsche that Dartz wrapped with a whale skin vinyl.
According to Dartz France, the whale skin vinyl is a new generation of car wrapping material. This vinyl is not a regular vinyl. It is an authentic copy of the whale skin surface. It is artificial covering, so no whales were killed for it.
Dartz added some Ed Hardy tattoo graphics to the vehicles and detailed the interior of the sports car with a yellow wrap.
Check out the gallery below for a full overview of the vehicle.
Why would you want your car to feeel like a whale penis??
It is whale skin not whale penis skin :P
That is one ugly car.
Hi, Thanks for this beautiful shoting! We like it a lot!
And it’s whale skin emitation: real black matt color with a nice touch effect!
We are working on a new version of the Porsche & Audi R8… keep you in touch!!
And thanks again for work well done!!