The fourth day of La Carrera Pamericana was a black day for the participants. The well known route of Mil Cumbres in the City of Michoacan, passed the bill as it is acustomed each year, where three vehicles suffered road exits, all of them messy, but without harmful consecuences.
One of the most relevant was the one suffered by Lars Stugemo, whom due to this had to abandon the competition leaving a vacancy for the third place till the end of the day, lets remember that until yesterday the driver of the car with the number 114 had achieved to maintain this position during two days consecutively.
The french driver Pierre Thoisy got a penalty at the start of stage 4 from Queretaro to Morelia, due a mechanical failure.
At the afternoon during the arival at the City of Morelia, it was a great surprise, as a car from the Production Tourism category won. Even more because it was driven by a mexican crew, Gabriel Pérez and Angélica Fuentes with a Ford with number 1. Where Angélica makes a comeback after two years absence, and where her last participation was being partner with Jorge Pedrero.
The only one, who is mantaining in second position is the american driver Doug Mockett, but his goal is not to stay in this position, it is to climb and achieve once more the title of champion of La Carrera Panamericana as he did in the year 2002.
And in the third position climbs Roberto Dávalos in his Studebaker with the number 130, after having steped up four position at that stage.