Thanks once again to the seemingly endless number of dash-mounted video cameras in Russia, yet another supercar crash has been caught on film, this time involving a Nissan GT-R. What’s more, the car equipped with the dash-mounted camera actually captured the crash from both the front and the rear.
As the videos show, the Nissan GT-R rear-ended a black Nissan sedan merging into traffic. Based on the following image, it’s not known whether or not the Nissan GT-R was speeding, but the crash could be blamed on both parties. The Nissan GT-R driver was obviously travelling too fast and too slow to react to the merging Nissan sedan, while that Nissan driver didn’t see the GT-R heading their way.
In the end, the damage seems fairly minor and is definitely reparable. It’s worth noting that this particular Nissan GT-R had a DragTimes sticker down the side, suggesting that it has participated in their infamous drag races before!
Definitely looks like that Nissan Versa was at fault. At least in America, the Nissan GTR would have had the right of way in this situation.
you have to laugh at the article. it was not known if the gtr was going to fast lmfao, it has drag times written all over the side of it haha.