We are proud to present you the second update by Team Fluge about the second leg from Indianapolis to Tulsa:
For more updates please visit our Cannonball Forum.
Entering the state of Oklahoma at speeds of 150 mph – the state police cars showed patience waiting for the FGA saleen after Fluge stopped to fill-up the ultimate bad boy with high test octane.
Laying in wait further down I-44 the State Police were setting the traps to catch the Ultimate Bad Boys, Nick Fluge and Bill Lowblad. Radar detectors resounded throughout the automobile. Fluge slammed on the brakes and took the speed below 100MPH but wasn’t fully able to escape the ticket.
One of the many Cannonball cars to earn the badge of honor for the day, the Fluge-Lowblad team was still able to get back on the road and was the 4th car to pull into Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The Perlinger girls (2nd FGA Team) had a non eventful run – but did a great job and are postioned strongly going into leg 3.
With Stage Two under their belts the Rocky Mtns and Denver loom ahead. After everyone arrived in Tulsa there were muliple tickets for the 00’s of cars, and a short segment on Fox News showing a helicopter tracking the police catcing a Lamborgini at over 180mph – but unabale to catch Fluge who held a slight lead on the foreign born car. So all in all, the ticket received was far better than it could have been.
Tune in for legs 3, 4 and 5 in the upcoming days.