Tag: Challenge
Video: Ferrari Corso Pilota Challenge 2012
The Ferrari Corso Pilota Challenge is one of the many events organized for Ferrari owners all over the world. This year’s edition of the...
Video: Ferrari 458 Challenge on the Road!
Our friends over at Denker.cz recently sent us this footage of a Ferrari 458 Challenge on the Road! The Ferrari 458 Challenge is the...
Video: Ferrari Challenge Italia 2011
YouTube member SupercarTeamVideo has uploaded a video showing a whole day at Vallelunga during the Ferrari Challenge Italia.
The clip shows a lot of...
Asian Pacific Series Ferrari 458 Challenge in Malaysia
The gallery below was brought to our attention by a member of ours. The pictures were made during the Ferrari 458 Challenge Asia Pacific...
Video: Wrecked Ferrari 355 Challenge Breaks Free From Chains
In Saint Gouéno in Bretagne, northwestern France, the following incident happened involving a Ferrari F355 Challenge racecar, which had crashed during a hill climb...
Video: Ferrari 458 Challenge Testing at Monza
The 458 is probably one the best Ferrari's in the current line up. Everything, except the spontaneous combustion problem, is perfect about it. One...
Quote Challenge 2010
A new year, a new Challenge. Today the supercar rally from The Netherlands started at Schloss Fuschl near Salzburg in Austria. Over the next...
Video: Audi S4 vs Skiër
Audi is known for it's perfect 4-wheel drive systems and the more they can show this to the world the more they will do....