Video: The Battle of Rome Part 2
After a stunning first part, the famous Team Polizei, released part 2 of their 'Battle Of Rome'! To refresh your mind we can tell...
Video Of The Day: The Battle of Rome Part 1
Let's go back to some fine history. Gumball 3000 2005 and Alex Roy's Team Polizei’s finest and most infamous hour. Check out the first...
Video Of The Day: Team Polizei Gets Police Escort
Today we are going back to the old days. The footage shows Team Polizei getting an Italian police escort during 2005 Gumball 3000. The...
Gumball 2007: Caprice is back
Supermodel Caprice Bourret is back in the Gumball 3000. In 2005 she took part in a Porsche 996 Turbo as team number 2 together...
Team 97 Videos
We've just added a 2005 and 2006 video page to the Ant and Pete page. See more pages of Featured...
GT3000 News and Video
Although GT3000 is not doing the Gumball 3000 this year we got some great news! First of all PCP made a Best of Gumball...
GT3000 The Final Leg
Final video of GT3000 in Gumball 2005. Both the Porsche GT3 and Porsche GT2 of GT3000 heading towards the finishline in Monaco filmed from...
GT3000 Holidays in Hungary
GT3000 enjoying the roads in Hungary on their way to the checkpoint in Croatia during Gumball 2005. This video is filmed from inside both...
GT3000 & Alex Roy
Great video of Alex Roy and GT3000 at the Italian highways during the Gumball 2005. At the end of the video the Italian police...
Gumball 2005 by Team 3ezer
Gumball 3000 have the respect and fame all around the world, where the drivers were driving by. This happened in Hungary as well, although...