Over the next five days GTspirit will head out on tour. And not just any tour but THE GTspirit Tour 2014 to celebrate our 8th anniversary! Our tour organizers have prepared an amazing route across the Alps from Germany, via Switzerland and Liechtenstein to Italy. After two days in Italy the team heads back to Germany via Austria. The GTspirit Tour 2014 is powered by Mercedes-Benz and tomorrow morning 11 of our team members will travel to Stuttgart to the Mercedes-Benz Headquarters where we will pick up some vehicles for our tour.
We won’t give away too much yet not to spoil the surprises we have lined up for our team and of course our readers and fans. What we can give away is that our route includes two legendary passes: the Stelvio Pass in Italy and the Grossglockner Pass in Austria. These are just two highlights of our 2,000 km+ tour but there are many more surprises planned, some even still unknown to the participating members of our team!
Our first stop tomorrow is the UNIMOG museum located in the German Black Forest. These vehicles are so versatile that they are used for Military use as well as Motorsport and even by Civilians. Arnold Schwarzenegger being a famous owner!
We will of course be sharing our experiences across our social media channels. Be sure to check in with our Facebook page, Google+ channel, Instagram and Twitter pages. If you want to communicate with us or meet with us during the tour, use the hashtags #gtspirittour and #mbspirit or get in touch directly!