Photos of an orange Lamborghini Aventador emerged recently. They show the result of an altercation with an SUV. Forunately, the speeds were relatively slow during this accident which means that only a small amount of damage was caused with no injuries reported.
We don’t have any further details although we are glad this particular accident didn’t turn out as bad as some have before. The images suggest that the SUV driver cut across oncoming traffic, causing the collision.
The Lamborghini Aventador has proved quite popular since its launch. Lamborghini carried out their usual product plan and produced a large volume of cars early in the production run. This has meant we’ve seen a lot of Aventador’s worldwide. With China being one of Lamborghini’s key market’s the Aventador has sold well.
Yeah. If they ever feel like bashing in an exotic with sledge hammers, they can always send it to me instead.