Shocking Images Emerge of Bikers Bashing Range Rover Driver

Shocking new images have emerged of the brutal attack on a Range Rover Sport driver recently attacked by a group of bikers in New York City.

As you can inevitably recall, word on the ferocious attack emerged a few days ago and since then numerous videos showcasing the motorcycle ride and have been published including one capturing the entire chase of the Range Rover Sport. The event, an annual ride from Brooklyn to Times Square known as Hollywood Block Party, had been organised by a man known as Hollywood Stuntz. Police had been monitoring the event and arrested 15 bikers, confiscated 55 motorcycles and issued 68 summonses.

The driver of the vehicle, 33-year-old Alexian Lien was admitted to hospital with heavy bleeding and knife wounds to the face. The two new images you see here were taken from a building overlooking the brutal attack and showcase the gang of bikers surrounding and bashing Lien while he is left lying defenceless on the pavement. Meanwhile, his distraught wife can be seen watching the attack unfold.

Shocking Images Emerge of Bikers Bashing Range Rover Driver

The second image was taken just after the attack occurred with the motorcycles clearly trying to escape the carnage they had just caused. All the while, Lien was left on his hands and keens bleeding heavily and being shielded by two brave bystanders.

While speaking about the ongoing investigations, an unnamed police source said, “We have recovered a lot of video — new video — from bikers who videotaped the ride. One video shows the guy in the chrome helmet ripping the victim out of the SUV. The video then cuts off. [But] we also have a witness who filled in the gaps on what happened next.”

[Via NY Post]

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  1. Please reveal the whole story and not just the one-sided brutal attack on the SUV driver. Moments before the attack on the SUV diver, he rammed into the back of the biker pack, leaving one biker dead and another paralyzed, there is video evidence to support this too…(get you facts straight please….)

  2. He didn't ram the bike, the bike pulled in front of him and brake checked him. You brake check a Range Rover on a bike, it's going to end badly for you. Then he rammed his way out of the pack as they had brought him to a halt and starting damaging and trying to get in the car, which had his wife and child in it. If you had your family in the car and were being attacked by several people, what would you do?

  3. i would have done exactly the same thing. no regrets. If the biker is paralyzed as its said on other websites, well thats what happens when you are an idiot.

  4. I dont condone his behaviour running over bikers but even a moment before that a biker brake checks the Rover leaving him unable to brake in time due to a bikes greater braking capabilities. With 30 bikers around and a kid in the back seat im sure he was overwhelmed with the circumstances and went for the escape. talk about getting facts straight, it could've been prevented in a myriad of ways; 1. if the guy didnt brake check, 2. his reaction to run for it, 3. bikes that weren't registered to get keep off the road and probable many more reasons

  5. Plenty of info on the whole story out there, and you can see that the range was already being harassed and swarmed by the pack when one bike cuts in front and brake checks the range. Rider Chris Cruz instigated the accident and the riders didn't force the range to stop to exchange insurance information-they began pounding it and slashing tires. The range powered out of an extremely dangerous situation. He did the right thing.

  6. These bikers are massive wankers! As said you can clearly see a biker brake checking him for no reason, if he got injured by this its his fault. But as you see gang mentality kicks in they all chase after him, attack him and his family you can see one guy trying to smash into the back where theres a bloody 5 month old kid!

    What I find funny is all you see bikers posting is the reduced clip of the moment the range rover crashes through the pack, and they are all calling him a dick!

  7. jesi gledo cijeli video kako je počelo sve, fino je ovaj roverom prešo preko par njih, a onog što je srušio na semaforu taj je stigo opet poslje pa kacigom razbio od vozača staklo i onda video staje hh

  8. ima samo onaj gdje mu sviraju i provociraju lika u autu dok ga nisu zaustavili ono na kraju. tj. taj sam samo vidio!!to su kreteni,banda glupana,ocito im je smeto lik sa autom u kojem je bila Zena i Dijete koji su bili na nekom obicnom putovanju pa su mu svirali i kocili ispred njega namjerno.kad je udario jednog od njih kako se vidi zaustavio se lik sa autom i ovi ga okruzili.nevidi se sta su radili,moze se samo nagađat :/ sigurno on nebi tako reagiro da je sve bilo normalno.covijek je bio sam na cesti okruzen hrpom konja koji su spremni na najmanju pizdariju reagirat sto vozac auta moze napravit!!nez citao sam malo o njima kao sto sam rekao banda neka idijoti koji traze tako sta kad su u vecoj skupini…po meni lik nista nije skrivio na videu gdje se desava to sve.nekuzim sta bi on uopce radio tim kretenima jos u autu sa obitelji??zajebo je samo sto nije po ulicama isao kad je usao u grad.preloše,,

  9. The bikers were trying to get this guy to stop, since he ran the scene of an accident. He wasn't brake checked by the biker. The biker tried to box him in, to prevent him from running away from the accident scene, which is what the driver already was doing. This guy is a cold blooded murderer, so don't come with what would you have done bullshit. Doesn't matter how scared he was, it doesn't justify the cold blooded killing of another, since he wasn't even attacked before he ran the bikers over. He felt intimidated, just imagine if we all start killing people because we feel intimidated. Cause and Effect, he kills people, they react to his killing of a friend/dad/brother/uncle. He was still able to walk away, which is more than his initial victims can say. They paid with their lives. How would you react if your father/brother/mother/sister/friend gets killed in front of you in cold blood. Quick to judge from behind your keyboard. Well talk again once you have held your friends lifeless body in you hands with his blood running out on the tar around you.

  10. deverian ver el video GOPR2900 en youtube no se si de ahi se genere la accion de los motociclistas pero el señor de la camioneta los atropella en repetidas ocasiones

  11. I'm an avid motorcyclist and I would have done the same thing as this family. The Range Rover driver was clearly intimidated and feared for his family and justified in his attempted escape. If you think that is wrong, pay attention to how this event ended. What he feared and was running from actually happened. Get it?


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