The Alpha Omega GT-R has set a series of new world records at a recent event called the WannaGoFast 1/2 mile in Chicago. The records were as follows; it set the fastest speed for half a mile achieving a top speed of 214.04mph. It achieved 60-130mph in just 3 seconds, 0-100mph in 4.4 seconds and 0-200mph in 11.87 seconds.
The event was held over a two-day period, Saturday and Sunday. The weather conditions were clumsy on both days but the Omega managed to set new records on Sunday after being saved for a better part of the day on Saturday.
Previously, Alpha Performance had records of 60-130mph in 3.31 seconds which has now been brought down to 3 seconds flat. We had also showed you an Alpha 12 GT-R topping 237mph in a distance of 1 mile, the Omega did half a mile with 214.04mph, the speed could have been even greater!
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