The Lamborghini Grand Giro has finally arrived Sant’Agata Bolognese for the final day celebrations-the Lamborghini 50th Anniversary at the House of the Raging Bull, the headquarters. They drove from Bologna this afternoon and all are set for the various activities organized for the main event.
Piazza Maggiore is the place where the ‘Concorso di Eleganza Lamborghini 50° Anniversario’ is being held. The event is open open to all historic cars participating in the event, and that means from the first 350 GT up to the latest Countach model.
You can see our coverage of Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 of the Lamborghini Grand Giro through the links provided. Just a recap, Day 1 the participants left Milan and headed to Forte dei Marmi which was a 270km journey. They cruised along the Tyrrhenian coast, Aveto Natural Regional Park and the Trebbia River valley before stopping over for lunch at the Saint Columbanus Monastery in Bobbio.
Day 2 saw them travel to Rome after passing through 4° Stormo of Air Force at Grosseto while enjoying the breathtaking landscapes of Forte dei Marmi. In Day three, the convoy left Rome for Bologna having driven through San Giustino Valdarno.
The cars are largely represented from the entire Lamborghini family models among them being they include three 350 GTs, five 400 GTs, seventeen Miuras, eight Espadas, two Jaramas, six Urracos, 15 Countachs, one LM 002, 21 Diablos and 36 Murcielagos. The Lamborghini Gallardo is the most represented with 123 registrations.