Top Gear is preparing to choose a new Stig. A specialized farm somewhere in the UK is the spot where several different Stig’s are breed. A source said to the Sun: “Fans don’t know there is a secret farm where we breed lots of different Stigs. We’ve found just the one.”
It is unclear who will be the third Stig to wear the helmet and suit. But what colour will the character be? You can choose your favorite one from this herd of Stigs!
The latest Stig will be unveiled at Earl’s Court in London next week as part of Top Gear Live, but TV producers have not decided whether a new Stig will be introduced for next year’s new series.
That’s cool :D
I like the Red one.
Nice farm :)
I like the Verde Ithaca one ;)
Don’t you LOVE the pink one?
Green one wearing sandals?????
The green one is a Eco-Stig. They killed a green stig in the episode with their homemade electric car.
Haha! Wonder what Top Gear USA brings later this month…
screw the pink one.