It has been said before that Ferrari would present a new generation of the ‘Dino’. By these drawnings we can maybe see how the future Dino will look like. Nothing is sure about this one, but because rumours saying that the F430 coupe will get a successor in 2010, it could maybe be true. Although other rumours say that Ferrari wants to compete the success of the Porsche 911 Turbo. Then the question is: why compete with a car that has a dialy view on our roads? Enjoy the ‘spy’-drawnings!
they want to compete w/ porsche because porsche sells more, and makes more in the end of the year…its the balance of high end ..near supercar and still affordable for upper middle class.
He, the rear part of the car looks like a corvette to me.
OMG WOW thats so cool i love the Ferrari 420 Dino!! ANd im even named Dino!!!
This looks cool. but d rear is really very much comparable to d porsche. Infact the front too is somehow looking similar.
n me being a ferrari fan wouldnt like this…