It’s time to announce the start location of this years’ Torpedo Run (21st – 23rd September 2007). The organisators choose a real spectacular location: the first virtual airbase worldwide, the Virtual.Aero in Ahaus, Germany (North of Düsseldorf).
At the sign-in participants of the Torpeo Run become a pilot and get to know what it means to dash an aircraft with high speed over the rooftops of famous cities. The simulators allow unlimited twists of 360 degrees over the roll as well as over the pitch axes – a real adrenaline rush!
The cars are parked in a hangar, usually the garage of airplanes. A real aircraft with a wing span of 18 meters hangs from the ceiling of the hangar. Car enthusiasts have the possibility to see the cars participating in the Torpedo Run already on Thursday evening, when the teams arrive for the sign-in.
The exact start time of the Torpedo Run will be announced later, but prior to the start.
More information about the Torpedo Run 2007: