Bullrun 2007 Team Twins

Next stop Atlantic City! On Mother’s day the Bullrunner started very early in Boston to reach the day’s final destination in New Jersey. Enjoy here the writeup of day two from Team Twins:

We made it out of Boston this Mother’s Day morning at what seemed like the crack o’ dawn. In reality, it was like 9:00 AM. It just felt much earlier due to the pounding headache from the debauchery of the night prior but whatevs, as you can see — by the time the Team #70 Escalade made it to the lineup, we were already 7 or 8 cars in the hole. And don’t even get us started on Team Twins. The Frankls must have been up late celebrating Annabelle’s come-from-behind best-of-three pool victory of the night before, and didn’t make it to the starting line until well after our car had already been released. But never fear, as you can see from the second gallery, they caught up quickly to our lumbering beast of burden and even helped us block out the Brabus-tuned Mercedes to give us our first — and only — lead of the day as we rallied our way to Long Island via the New London Ferry.
– Ray Wert

[source: Jalopnik.com]

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