An open letter from Team Polizei regarding their withdrawl from Gumball 2007 and the fatal crash in Macedonia:
Team Polizei’s Alex Roy & Michael Ross feel compelled to challenge Gumball 3000 over the untenable position in which participants were placed.
At 8am on Thursday, May 3rd, 2007, Maximillion Cooper addressed a driver briefing in the Sheraton Hotel, Tirana, Albania.
Despite the disturbing rumours of the fatality of a Macedonian motorist on Wednesday, May 2nd, Mr. Cooper stated that “Gumball is often the subject of wild rumours,
This proves that not all Gumballers are irresponsible and only because of this kind of Gumballers I deeply regret that Gumball is facing its possible seazure. At the other side I am not sorry for Mr. Cooper that he will lose its Cash machine, but I feel sorry for him because of his reaction that the fatal accident in Macedonia is just a rumour ??!!…the truth is that he was speculating without checking is that information realy a rumour or is it a fact as it was (is) a terrible fact. I do not know whether he can sleap peacefuly now, but he should find a way to compensate the lose to the relatives of tragicaly killed people in Macedonia, nevertheless the life is priceless.
Große Freundlichen Grußen für die Team Polizei…und Danke!
Fan from Macedonia