Team CoPilot just send another update over!
Michael driving our trip from Northern Greece through Macedonia and into Albania has been incredible. The Scenery through the mountains was priceless and CoPilot has saved us so many times I don’t know how we would have made it to Albania without it.
We joined Team Zebra in Macedonia and have been caravanning with them ever since. We were able to open up the cars today and found it hilarious when Macedonian Customs asked us to burn rubber immediately after clearing through. We happily obliged our mates at Team Zebra and caught it all on camera!
Macedonia was beautiful and very cool. Lots of people were out to see the Gumball and we added a couple of cars to our caravan (at one point we and the Rolls Phantom overtook a donkey chariot which I’m quite certain will never happen again).
After clearing through Albanian Customs we stopped and joined at least 19 other Gumballers for a Police Escort all the way from the border approximately 90 miles into Tirana. You should have seen all of the Gumball fanatics that aligned the streets throughout this route! I almost lost my arm giving everyone high fives from the car. The people here have been wonderful.
We have about 50 Miles left in our Police Escort and I expect things will be manic at our destination.