With the new year just around the corner Carbon Black revealed some of their plans for 2007 to us. The next event will be a rally crossing through 10 countries in Eastern and Southern Europe. Carbon Black 2007 will kick off on the 28th of April and finish the 4th of May. The next Carbon Black has 60 spots on the grid, so more people get a chance to experience it. But it remains invite only to keep the quality up. Carbon Black will be hosting a big launch party on the day prior to the start, a day off to relax and experience things other then driving and finally a wrap party all with amazing themes and beautiful people. Carbon Black promises it to be even better then the last run, they have listened to the previous drivers feedback and used it to bring the event to the next level.
Later in 2007 Carbon Black will host another event which includes a true once in a lifetime experience involving the largest privately owned collection of jet and fighter planes. Ranging from British jets used during final years of the cold war to figther jets used in the 50’s, it’s all there. Stay tuned for on Carbon Black 2007 and don’t forget to visit the Carbon Black Forum!