GTspirit is auctioning 2 exclusive invites for the upcoming premiere of the new Gumball 3000 movie called 3000 Miles. All proceeds of this auction will be given to the Goedgedacht charity. Goedgedacht helps to reduce rural poverty, aids and unemployment in a rural area north of Cape Town, South Africa.
3000 Miles Premiere
30th of November 2006
Koko, London
Place your bids for 2 tickets to the premiere in the comments with a valid email address so we can contact you when you placed the highest bid. And hurry up because the auction will close at noon GMT saturday the 25th!
Bidders must be over the age of 18 and be able to travel to the premiere on the specified date.
I will start the bidding at 20 Pound Sterling for two tickets.
I bid £30 for two tickets.
i will bid 100 for the 2 tickets.
I.H. got the highest bid at £ 100 for two tickets. Congratulations!
i bit £1 coz i am poor :(
damn im too late ill buy them offyou!do you have any more?