Sleek and slippery, just the way you’d expect a supercar to look. With five years of development behind it, the Factory Five Racing GTM is now ready for the road. Under the prototype’s rear lid is a 350-horse LS1 backed to a five-speed transmission. The 5.7-liter engine uses the original Corvette computer module for fuel management and diagnostics, which can only aid in getting the car passed through those states with tough smog emissions requirements.
Comfortable and simple. Though the prototype features a Kenwood stereo in the console, there’s no stereo in the GTM kit. Factory Five did, however, provide space for a speaker up to 5.25 inches in each door.
The gauges are from Auto Meter and come standard in the GTM kit. The assembly will have air conditioning as an option, and dash vents are provided for those builders who would like to install a system.
Read more and see more pictures about the Factory Five’s GTM.